तश्तरी खाना - tashtaree khana,tashtari khana meaning in hindi

अँग्रेज़ी अर्थ उदाहरण
Suggested :
न अच्छा न बुरा neutral
Following independence, Ukraine declared itself a neutral state.
कर योग्य taxable
The taxable GST was increased to 4 percent in 2003
नौकादंड helm
The president is at the helm of the company .
किसि तरङ ले ज्ना head
Wyoming, it has the best-preserved head and feet
तक up to
Typical adults measured up to 9 meters long
tashtaree khana,tashtari khana अक्षरों की संख्या: 11 व्यंजन मात्रासहित । Transliterate in english : tashtarii khaanaa
Related spellings : tashtaree khaana,tashtaree khana,tashtari khaana

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